Logo Design Rules

Logo Design is the product of a difficult process that is distilled from certain design rules, fed by skills and creative ideas. Everyone logo can draw a design, however, it has mastered the art of logo design all aspects of the case will take a long time and there is a significant major Logo Design Guidelines to follow. We have compiled 10 design tips that will benefit you in the design process.

Logo Design Rules

Logo design represents a small area in a company's branding process, but an important factor in this process. Raise your head and look around, or the screen on which you are reading this article, logos are in every aspect of our lives. They constantly remind us of the formation or brand they represent instantly. I have always compared the logos to the following situation, the names are given to their children by their parents in the world in general, and those children are addressed with those names for a lifetime. Their names remain the same, but as they grow, they change in appearance.

This is the case within companies, in general the names remain the same, but logo designs remain true to their former form as long as there are no major radical changes. Cleverly designed logo designs do not need such changes, they can maintain their visual competence as long as the brand exists. It is essential to do a detailed research before taking pen and paper or opening the logo design programs. We have gathered tips that can help you with this important step.

Determine Your Competition Area

Before you start designing logo design issues and sketches, do extensive market research and target audience. Before starting to work, you can get help from your customer for this information and let him / her provide you with information. Check out the logos of all competitors in the market. Avoid local thinking, approach every logo design you make as if it were a global brand.

Prepare Correct Answers for Correct Questions

In the brand building process, the concept of strategy has an important place day by day. It is wise to adopt this concept and keep it within the Logo Design rules process. What will we do for the brand we will create or renew? What message do we want to give? How do we do this? What makes our brand different? What does the brand value? The main question covering all of these is what is the personality of the brand? We need to start design with the correct answers to these questions, we need to understand the questions and be able to give their answers.

Be Flexible in Logo Design

After creating a logo design strategy, we need to take steps to get started. The concepts we have created in theory with the information we have may support our strategic ideas. This can cause things to go wrong when it comes to the visualization step, so be prepared for that. Be flexible by creating creative solutions to solve problems. Go through the steps that caused the problem and do a retrospective check.

Respect Brand Heritage

If the project you are working on involves the renewal process of a brand, maintain the visual standards that the brand maintains and uses within a certain framework. For example, the red color is a color integrated with Pleiades Chocolate Wafer. Changing this color drastically in new packaging designs causes situations that may affect the dominance of the product in the market. In such a case, put your ego aside and focus on adding positive visual values to your work. . The new logo you have prepared may result in a fiasco in your work.

The Logo Is Not a Brand

Another concept we need to understand is the fact that the logo is not a brand in itself. It is a necessity that does not cover the entire process of logo branding, but has an important place. Well-designed logo designs positively benefit the branding process. The awareness of the brand is related to the usage intensity of the advertising channels and has a decisive rate on this situation.

Pay Attention to Your Font Selection

One of the important factors of the logo design process is to choose the right font and associate it with the brand. The biggest and well-known brands in the world use type designs that reflect only their brand names. Logo types prepared with sans serif style characters have been used extensively in logo design in recent years. Examples of brands that make changes using such type designs are Microsoft, Google, Lenovo, and MasterCard. The Google brand has changed the serif-style typeface, which it has been using for a long time until 2015, to a sans serif font with a clearer, contemporary, modern look. Check out our logo design and Font Selection article.

Make Fonts Different

Instead of using the fonts you have chosen in logo design with the raw form of the font family you use, make visual interventions on the font by making touches that can integrate with the logo design. With this method, you can go beyond the usual type forms. You can make the font you use more unique for your logo. If it is a simple logo design with an existing font in your mind, here are the points you should pay attention to.

- Individual letter design

- Character spacing

- Elimination of possible symmetry disorders in the font

- Smoothing the connections between letter forms

Original Font

It is always a better selection method, by hand drawing the font shape that will represent your brand from scratch. The best example of this is the logotype used by Coca Cola. It was drawn uniquely for the brand. Coca Cola has been using this font design for more than a hundred years, and this font integrated with the brand causes such a perception that even if we create a different brand with the same font, it will still remind us of Coca Cola.

Understanding of Simplicity and Simplicity

It is possible to find a few gold examples that can be used as examples of the best of logo Best Logo Design Company in California USA designs. First of all, the rules that will attract our attention and the most important one among them is the understanding of simplicity. We can express this understanding as follows, you have a very good idea and you think that the logo that will reflect your brand is this idea. Well, have you imagined this design in different application areas? How will it appear in the footer part of the website? How will it stand on the sign you will hang in front of your store? Will you be able to use this logo design only in digital environments? The best way to capture and test simplicity is to remove all elements of the logo until you reach the simplest form of the logo you imagine. Question the memorability of the logo design form you have obtained and notice if you can draw it on paper with a few simple methods. The main idea is that a simpler logo design will be more catchy and memorable.

Correct Color Correct Result

Colors are concrete concepts that enable us to perceive the world better. The colors you will use for your symbol-based or text-based logos are the factors that will directly affect the corporate identity of a brand. In choosing colors, we must have an idea about the meanings that colors represent. Examine the feelings and feelings they evoke, analyze the colors used by major brands and represent the industry. To learn more, you can read our article titled Logo Design and Color Selection. 


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